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Some problems of trend identification and estimation

VÁVRA, F., NOVÝ, P., MAREK, P., NEUMANOVÁ, M., VOKÁČOVÁ, K. Some problems of trend identification and estimation. In Aplimat 2007. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2007. s. 471-478. ISBN: 978-80-969562-4-1
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In the paper are formulated some problems that can occur by estimation of the time series trends. Further are proposed some trend´s properties and formulated some theoretical questions which answers can simplify trend identification.

Some problems of trend identification and estimation

VÁVRA, F., NOVÝ, P., MAREK, P., NEUMANOVÁ, M., VOKÁČOVÁ, K. Some problems of trend identification and estimation . In Aplimat 2007. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology , 2007. s. 105-105. ISBN: 978-80-969562-9-6
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In the paper are formulated some problems that can occur by estimation of the time series trends. Further are proposed some trend´s properties and formulated some theoretical questions which answers can simplify trend identification.

Shannon´s model of communication

VÁVRA, F., NOVÝ, P., VOKÁČOVÁ, K., NEUMANOVÁ, M. Shannon´s model of communication. In Current research in information sciences and technologies. Multidisciplinary approaches to global information systems. Vol. II. Badajoz: Instituto Abierto del Conocimento, 2006. s. 62-66. ISBN: 84-611-3105-3
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Classical channel´s model doesn´t describe any intelligent behavior. For description of transformational=intelligent behaviour of communicative subject our conception of disinformation is used.

Czech explanatory dictionary and its computer implementation

MATOUŠEK, V., MICHALICOVÁ, J., MOUČEK, R. Czech explanatory dictionary and its computer implementation. In Procedings of the international conference Corpus Linguistics - 2006. St.-Petersburg: SPGU, 2006. s. 263-270. ISBN: 5-288-04181-4
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The article deals with analysis of contemporary attempt to creation of on-line explanatory language dictionaries, analysis of the content of keyword paragraphs, and keynote issues of the computer implementation of these dictionaries.

Natural language semantics and problem of layers

MOUČEK, R. Natural language semantics and problem of layers. In Proceedings of the 7th international Ph.D. workshop: Young generation viewpoint. Praha: Ústav teorie informace a automatizace, Akademie věd České republiky, 2006. s. 115-120. ISBN: 80-903834-1-6
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The paper deals with effort to divide natural language semantics into layers and process them separately in contrast to consider semantics as invisible unit. Some existing solutions are introduced and results of our research are described.

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